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  • BSMonitor - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    "the company missed analyst estimates on revenue, where they were expected to bring in $10.25 billion"

    10.25 - 10.20 = $50 Million.

    Wow, rough quarter Intel... Missed "Average" revenue estimates by .5%..... $50 Million might be a lot to AMD, but it is nothiing compared to $10 billion...

    "even if they miss estimates elsewhere" HUH? Again.. $50 Million out of $10.2 Billion...

    "Intel’s official predictions are for between $10.1 and $10.9 billion in revenue for Q4, a very weak number for what’s usually a very strong quarter."

    Weak? $10.1 Billion in a collapsing economy? $2 Billion in Profit? Most companies would kill for those numbers.


    Now on the AMD side of the BS....
    "For the quarter AMD lost a paltry $67 million on revenues of $1.78 billion, completely blowing away their own predictions and what analysts were expecting, losing nearly $100 million less than expected."

    "The second source is a one-time license fee the company received for its 130nm SOI technology, which added $191 million to the bottom line. Finally, AMD’s graphics division turned a profit for the first time since they were purchased, posting a profit of $47 million on $385 million in revenue."


    Overall Company: -$67 Million
    ATI Profit: +$47 Million
    AMD minus ATI -$114 Million
    License fee Profit +$191 Million
    Old AMD -$305 Million!!!!!!!!

    So, how is AMD the processor company doing?

    -$305 Million.... And you are scoffing at $50 million ($30 million profit) in missed Intel revenue... What a joke, no wonder the idiots on Wall Street are losing their butts...
  • Shadowmaster625 - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    Seems like NVDA is the real story to me. Seems like a steal at $7.50 a share. Looks like its heading up to the 50 dma, for a quick and easy 30% gain.
  • InternetGeek - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    Ok, what I understand from this article is that AMD sold its foundry so it can get rid of the ATI debt. Hector must think that even if the company as a whole does well interests and debt will kill them. Which is why he sold the foundry and not the rest. It seems like a smart move if it pays well.

    Maybe in the future AMD will own its own fab again?

  • Xavitar - Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - link

    There is a big difference between "selling off" and "spinning off". The fabs being spun off are in Germany. AMD also has a fab in Texas and one that is due to be built in New York which is not a part of the Foundry initiative, so they are not truly going fabless. Additionally, they will still retain something like a 48% ownership stake in the new Foundry company that operates the German fabs, and the management team currently running the German fabs is supposedly staying in place.

    In other words, this represents more of a shift in paperwork and legal entities than it does a major sell off of the company as you seem to be implying.
  • Ryan Smith - Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - link

    The Texas facilities are also going to the Foundry Co and the New York project is being shifted to them too. AMD is getting rid of all of its CPU fabrication capacity.
  • Justin Case - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    [quote]The AMD/Foundry Co. spilt [/quote]

    It spilt? I had no idea AMD was that full.
  • perzy - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    This is great for my personal economy. Since there is almost zero progress there is no need for me to upgrade my cpu or, well anything. I bought one of those dual-cores last year, but it seems one of the cores hase'nt been used yet. None of my programs go any faster anyway.
    And since the graphics cards are so expensive, the kids can't afford them and the games follow the common nominator, so no progress there either. Besides, all the kids has moved to consoles because, yepp cards are more expensive than whole console.
  • gvaley - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    The most sensible thing I've heard for a long time.
    You'd hear that competition is good for your pocket, repeated over and over again. And you'd believe it. But that's not true. The right statement is that competition is good for the technical progress.

    Think of it this way: with no competition you'll be spending $1000 every couple of years to have an up to date system.

    With no competition you'd be spending $2000 every four years to have an up to date system.

    Do the math yourselves.

    So the only difference is that you'd be able to play this game at 60 fps instead of 30.

    And yet, the latter is not entirely true, as game developers would have a much more predictable situation to deal with, and consequently the games would be far better suited to everyone's hardware than now. We've seen this happening before. And we were happier hardware users.
  • AnnonymousCoward - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    > And since the graphics cards are so expensive

    What are you talking about--they're cheaper than ever. Get an 8800 off eBay for 100 bucks.
  • Nfarce - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    Well, it's now Q4 2008 and not a whisp of when Nehalem and X58 will be available by anyone, let alone when a full review will be available. I just blew a cool grand and some change replacing an older E6600/8800GTS rig with an E8500/260GTX rig. I got tired of waiting and bet that Nehalem would not be worth the wait. Hope I made the right choice.

    "Kids" have always been on the console, however. My online gaming with the PS3 vs. PC is like night and day, or adults and pre-pubescent punks. PC gaming always has been and always will be more expensive than console gaming, which keeps the juvenile zit faced kids away.
  • AnnonymousCoward - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    One more thing--you spent a grand on that upgrade?? That CPU and video card alone are only $420. Plus, why would you upgrade from an E6600 to E8500, when the E6600 can easily be OC'd to E8500 speeds, and both are dual core? Until weeks ago I also had an E6600/8800GTS, and I upgraded to the GTX260 for just $140.

    $140 after 1.5 years ain't much.

    And competition IS good for your pocket. Look at AMD pricing. Look at the C2D in your system that wouldn't exist without AMD's pressure.
  • strikeback03 - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    Wow, their strategy of having the date the NDA lifts be under NDA actually worked on somebody?
  • Zefram0911 - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    Ever since CEO Cruz stepped down, AMDs been righting the ship. The economic downturn may slow it though. It seems like Intel's been on a can do nothing path for a few years now. We definitely need more competition.
  • Justin Case - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    Not only is AMD following exactly the same course set out by Ruiz, but without the ATI acquisition (Ruiz's main move) they would be in much worse shape than they are.

    On top of that, Ruiz is still the executive chairman. The supposed "stepping down" was just to satisfy some clueless investors who lack the ability to understand long-term planning (which is what the ATI acquisition was all about).

    So, keep the exact same course, keep the exact same guy as chairman, but announce a new CEO, and all of a sudden people say "oh, they've really improved". Reminds me of the Taffel Sticks commercial ("Same crap, different wrapping: tastes much better!").
  • Regs - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    The CEO has more control over operations and market strategy than the chairmen.
  • AnnonymousCoward - Monday, October 20, 2008 - link

    > without the ATI acquisition they would be in much worse shape than they are.

    You think so? AMD has been in financial trouble ever since, and is currently $5B in the hole--exactly what they spent on ATI...while ATI has contributed virtually nothing tangible at this point (other than the mentioned $0.047B). AMD's stock has dropped 80% since the merge!
  • Regs - Sunday, October 19, 2008 - link

    It was the best news I heard all year.

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