WinBench 97 Version 1.1 Graphics Winmark Results
Video Card Diamond Viper V330 (PCI) Matrox Millennium II (PCI)
Resolution Business Graphics Winmark 97 High End Graphics Winmark 97 Business Graphics Winmark 97 High End Graphics Winmark 97
800 x 600 x 8 bit Color (256 Colors) 151 No Result 162 No Result
800 x 600 x 16 bit Color (65K Colors) 144 No Result 146 No Result
800 x 600 x 24 bit Color (16.7M Colors) Not Supported Not Supported 126 No Result
800 x 600 x 32 bit Color (4B Colors) 129 No Result 116 No Result
1024 x 768 x 8 bit Color (256 Colors) 135 55.8 154 68.4
1024 x 768 x 16 bit Color (65K Colors) 109 58.4 118 57.0
1024 x 768 x 24 bit Color (16.7M Colors) Not Supported Not Supported 104 52.1
1024 x 768 x 32 bit Color (4B Colors) 78.4 45.1 71.4 47.6

Here the Diamond Viper is almost on par with the Matrox Millennium II, actually beating it in a few tests measuring the 2D or Windows acceleration of the video card. Unfortunately the Diamond Viper did not allow me to run in 24 bit color for one reason or another, therefore no scores at 24 bit color were posted. That could be a downside for some not wishing to migrate to 32 bit color just yet.

Supported 3D Features
Feature Diamond Viper V330 (PCI) ATI 3D Rage Pro (AGP) Matrox Millennium II (PCI)
3D Quality/Fog Vertex Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Fog Table Not Capable Not Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Specular Highlights Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Color Key Transparency Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Alpha Transparency Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Linear Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Mipmap Linear Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Dithering Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Perspective Correction Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Color Key Capable Capable Not Capable
3D Quality/Fog Vertex and Alpha Capable Capable Not Capable

3D Winbench 97
Diamond Viper V330 (PCI) ATI 3D Rage Pro (AGP) Diamond Monster 3D
3D WinMark 97 280 191 210

Here we can see the Viper really shine with its outstanding 3D WinMark 97 score of 280 in comparison to the 210 by the Diamond Monster 3D and the 191 by the "superior" AGP ATI 3D Rage Pro card. However the Quake frame rate scores below are quite disappointing, so if you do decide to get the Viper and want to run Quake I strongly suggest you purchase a Monster 3D as well since it is still the ultimate gaming add-on.

WinQuake Frame Rates
Resolution Score (Frames per Second)
Diamond Viper V330 (AGP) Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)
320 x 200 63.0 fps 67.0 fps
320 x 240 Not Run 51.3 fps
320 x 400 Not Run 36.0 fps
400 x 300 Not Run 39.0 fps
512 x 384 44.3 fps 27.9 fps
640 x 400 Not Run 23.1 fps
640 x 480 34.8 fps 20.0 fps
800 x 600 26.2 fps 13.9 fps
1024 x 768 Not Run 9.0 fps

Does the AGP version of the Diamond Viper show any improvement in unaccelerated WinQuake? Yes again. Using the Timedemo demo2 benchmark, the AGP Viper V330 constantly produced higher frame rates than the PCI version, except at 320 x 200 where the PCI version beat it out by 4 frames per second.


The Final Decision

The Diamond Viper V330, coupled with NVidia's new alpha GL drivers forms an almost perfect combination of performance, compatibility, affordability and quality in a video accelerator...that can even run that beautiful GL Quake 2 at resolutions unheard of with most 3Dfx cards.

Click here to find lowest prices on this product.

Drivers & Incompatibilities
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  • tipoo - Friday, March 18, 2011 - link

    This should be added to AT bench!
  • slatanek - Friday, November 30, 2012 - link

    It's amazing to see this review! this was my first video card and at that time its performance was awesome for the money. to think that this thing had 4MB of video memory is just mindblowing! Quake 2 indeed looked great on the Riva 128.
    AnandTech started at almost same time as my interest for PC. Now I got emotional... ;-)

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