But.... (Solaris 10 Cont.)

Unfortunately, not all was entirely well in Solaris-land. Even though we had a final build of Solaris 10, there were a lot of things broken or "misplaced" from time to time. OpenSSL would segfault out of the box when running the "speed" benchmark, for example. Also, Solaris 10 fragments the user land into several directories based on the nature of the software. For example GNU software is located in /usr/sfw. This non-traditional pathing seems to play havoc on programs that want to be placed in /usr/ and /usr/local.

There were other small dissapointments like the fragmented userland. ZFS, Sun's successor to UFS, is not present in Solaris 10 yet. ZFS will be capable of 128-bit data storage and complete disk virtualization while being completely endian neutral (i.e., you can take ZFS discs from a SPARC or RISC machine and use them in an x86 machine). Unfortunately ZFS missed the ship date of Solaris 10 and it doesn't look like we will see it for a few months still.

We could write another page just about the driver support, but we are somewhat mixed on this issue. Fortunately all of the devices on our V40z are fully supported with drivers that (at least on the surface) appear to be functioning flawlessly. When we took Solaris 10 for a test spin on some off the shelf hardware, things were really hit or miss. There was a deep lack of support for our RAID controllers, something we would expect a server-oriented operating system to focus more on.


Some of the other rough edges include a security advisory that just came out a few days ago concerning Solaris 10's ld.so. It's not to say that Linux or FreeBSD don't have these problems either, but Solaris 10 definitely has the feeling of "unpolished". Zones and DTrace are excellent features but at times they can be a bit overwhelming. With continually better interfaces and maturity, we feel pretty confident the Solaris 10 operating system as a whole will have a pretty strong future as a competitive server OS.

Getting a Feel for Solaris 10 The Test
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  • KristopherKubicki - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    It brings up the Article Search box because I had to disable the article until we figure out the IE problem.


  • yelo333 - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    Is it just me, or is it normal to have problems reading anything but the first page? When I click to go to the next page, it just brings up the "article search" box. The print version also doesn't work.

    Using Firefox on linux. All extensions were disabled for the purpose of troubleshooting, with the same response.

    As it is right now, even clicking the article results in the "Article Search" box, rather then the article. I was able to read the first page about 5 min ago, though.
  • mircea - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    Page 3, 2nd last pharagraph, 4th line "we were ample to use the analyzer"

    I guess you want to say "able".
  • jm20 - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    wierd rendering in IE, does not produce a background and the formatting looks off. Also page 2 is not visible and sends me to the article search page.
  • Marlin1975 - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    yea weird rendering to say the least, that and nothing after page 2?
  • BurntKooshie - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link


    Shouldn't the first graph list SLES9 as one of the test parameters isntead of two Solaris 10's?
  • KristopherKubicki - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - link

    If anyone is getting weird rendering in IE, please email me kristopher@anandtech.com


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